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Getting Started with .NET Core 3.0 and React SPA Template

· 7 min read

.NET Core 3.0 is out and it's chock full of new features to get your application off the ground faster. I'm working on a greenfield application for managing a small church that:

  • Tracks community members and the mailing list
  • Handles weekly checklists and tasks
  • Links up with the accounting software to track donations
  • Handles simple expense reporting for reimbursements
  • And ... that's it for now (gotta start somewhere!)

As I work through these, I'll talk through the development process, the settings, take screen shots and point out any salient code snippets. I'm using this as my vehicle for learning more of the new ins and outs of .NET Core 3.0 and React 16.8+, along with demonstrating ways to manage infrastructure as code and deploy everything in Azure. All the code will be kept open (forcing me to make sure I don't commit anything dumb like passwords or my credit card number).

Gatsby JS on Azure CDN

· 10 min read
Garo Yeriazarian
Software Whisperer

I've been super excited lately about building JAM stack sites using GatsbyJS, and I recently setup a way for our church website to be updated from Facebook, Office 365 calendar, and static content automatically, hosting them on Azure simply.

Getting Started with Docker and Kubernetes

· 2 min read
Garo Yeriazarian
Software Whisperer

Down in Monterrey, Mexico, I did a talk for Headspring Talks entitled "Getting Started with Docker and Kubernetes". The goal was to help people who are starting to learn these incredibly powerful technologies a good kick-off point. When I was learning about these things, I knew that there were certain concepts that helped me internalize the way that Docker and Kubernetes work. I tend to not memorize facts or details very well. Instead, I focus on the core concepts of how something works, then derive back to detailed knowledge from there. I make an educated guess at how something should work, and that helps me solve problems more effectively.

Getting Start with Docker and Kubernetes Title Slide

Using GatsbyJS for this Blog

· 4 min read
Garo Yeriazarian
Software Whisperer

As is tradition, the first post on a blog should talk about how the blog was created and setup. However, against tradition, I did not build my own blog site from scratch. Instead, I was looking into GatsbyJS and JAMStack style generators, and I really liked the plugin approach. What tickles the software developer in me is the GraphQL based query system that's baked into the core of the system. It allows you to add levels of abstraction to the content that you source through plugins, and query subsets of the data at compile time that you can then render into views at browse time.